Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Brand New Kindle

I'm here to report that after much back and forth and forth and back with the associates, that I have a brand new Kindle.

Last week, the day before my birthday, I received a message from the Amazon team to go to a special spot in my neighborhood to see if my sick Kindle would work. I had plans to visit this special spot during the weekend. I thought I would visit to see if I could help heal my sick Kindle and as the Amazon team says "find it's Whispernet," the signal that a Kindle needs to enable it to download books.

But, on Saturday, a nice Amazon associate called me later in the day. "We are shipping you a new Kindle and we are truly sorry for all we put you through. In addition, we are going to give you $30 in Amazon Rewards to download books."

I was excited to receive my brand new Kindle this week. I quickly opened the more waiting a year to start up this device.

"At least take off your coat," said my son D.

"Nope, I need to download a book right away," I said, as I pushed the on switch and moved the roller around and watched the screen appear that indicated I had the "Whispernet signal."

I downloaded "The Help." I downloaded two books in the "Twilight" series.

I'm all set for my vacation. Ready to read and I'm not even retired yet.

I do hope I learn to love my Kindle like other Kindle lovers I know.



  1. I hope you enjoy reading books on the Kindle. I love reading and I'm not ready to give up real books yet.

    Rita, Consumer Specialist, Blogging at The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide

  2. I love, love, love, my Kindle.!!!
